Karma is a Bat
Cute, aren’t they?
But, they are killing us with their diseases!
Several recent Epidemics are known to have originated from them. To name a few – SARS, Ebola, MERS, Marburg and the most talked-about 2019-nCoV(COVID). Bats have an amazing fast-response immune system, hence they don’t get affected by it. However, when the same pathogens make their way to Humans, they can prove fatal.
So the question is what did the Humans do to face the wrath of the Bats? Are they upset with the recent Batman movies? Did we show them in “bad light”?
Well, as it turns out that Humans did what they generally do…being Greedy.
To illustrate my point, let’s play a little riddle.
What comes to your mind when I use the words Roasted, Boiled, Fried?
Yes, you got it!
But I will give you little more hints to tempt your palate.
Breast, Legs and Wings
Infact, their entire family was born to lay eggs for our breakfast and their kids to be culled. If you search “Chicken” in Google, you will get Dish names, it no more treated as a bird. Pork is the most consumed meat.
Then we come to eating Fishes, Chicken, Cows, Sheep, Goat, Turkey, Duck, Goose, Rabbit, Camels.
I’m sure that the list isn’t surprising. And rightly so if over the years, if we continue with it then it gradually becomes a norm. So let’s add more to it – > plethora of seafood (Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimps, Octopus etc), Horses, Pets (Dogs, Cats).
There’s ample variety to boast. But wait, this isn’t satisfying enough so we look out for more things on earth that move besides us.
Like Sharks, Dolphins, Civets, Snakes, Foxes, Rats, Hedgehogs, Pangolins and finally BATS.
They say most of these things were being sold in Wuhan’s Wet market. The experts believe that viruses transmitted from bats to other animals in the market itself and then finally to us. All the diseases mentioned above are called Zoonotic diseases and no wonder they are on the rise due to the reckless consumption of anything and everything on this planet. We don’t know where to stop.
It’s because we killed them, now we are the ones being killed. Karma is a b… Bat .